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Love everything beautiful. "Love of the Bush"

Editor’s prologue

How does the morning feel when you open your eyes amid the natural smell of grass and the chirping of birds? The alarm...
Our dry daily lives, where we have to start the day rubbing our sleepy eyes after turning it off two or three times, call the beginning of the day "healing."
I sing it, too.

It's not just a brand that makes rings, but a brand that wants to say beauty through jewelry, "Love of the Bush". Her beautiful daily life begins with a refreshing blueberry tea in the misty green bushes. Like Audrey Happburn's quote, "If you want to have lovely eyes, see good things about people," her movement to love the beautiful things in the world,
I think it may have come from her gaze itself. Let's observe Bush's work together.


The editor brand name is impressive.

Aerim's meaning is "love, bushes." Maybe that's why I like trees.(laughs)
It can be said that the start of the brand started from something very personal, so I think, "Maybe the best focus on me can be the most important when running the brand." As a result, I naturally thought of a material called 'forest', and as I started to use it in packages, I began to actively use the forest by developing designs and collections.

Can you introduce, Love of the Bush?
Luv of the Bush is a brand that talks about aesthetics that pursues visual aesthetics or sensitivity based on a material called "metal."
Rather than simply a brand that produces rings, I would like to introduce it as a brand that talks about "beauty" based on the material "silver."

I think 'aesthetic' or 'beauty' is, on the one hand, a subjective area.

I think that the aesthetics, of course, can vary from person to person. This is because the standard of "pretty" is different for each person.
Therefore, in order to know the aesthetics that people think, they think they can know which jewelry is close to their body, and I think that such a choice will be based on the subjective criteria that they think they are "pretty." Based on this premise, I wanted to suggest to people what kind of beauty or sensitivity I thought as a jewelry producer.

What do you think is the secret to Bush's popularity?(laughs)

First of all, I think it's because 'byamondz' is a jewelry platform, and thankfully, 'byamondz' team supports well.

If there is another reason for that, I don't think it's an era when customers buy jewelry because they simply need a silver ring or a gold ring.
Jewelry is not only a means to show yourself in the present era, but also an item that can reveal oneself closest to the present. After considering what color the brand has, what it pursues, and what the brand talks about, I guess you decided to buy it with the desire to share the brand's sensitivity. That's why I'm running the brand paying attention to this, and I think they even buy it with a good view of Bush's aspect.

I wonder how the brand Bush was created.

Actually started the brand less than a year ago. It has been about five to six months since he created a website and entered Almonds. Since I majored in metal from my early 20s, I have been dealing with metal until now. Also, because I liked the shape and formative beauty, I was interested in arranging metals and expressing the aesthetics I thought. The cups and objects in front of them were also made by themselves.
Most of the works were based on the original form, and I was curious about the most beautiful model and layout method while working on these works, and this part is always worried because "pretty" varies depending on how it is placed.

If there's a design and atmosphere that Bush pursues,

At first, I developed a design that I really wanted to make. So, I wanted to develop a design that is faithful to the most basic and gives a slight sense of sculpture and can be worn every day, but the more I layered, the more I could feel the sensitivity I like.
Some people will layer each item that is very simple and daily to show their own form, and I think they can show their own style using only one or two pieces. This layering method has been continuously introduced.


The first jewelry that is what suddenly?

I have ever made in the first item is ‘no carved gold and ring’ ring.I think to be lightweight and simple and points of the designs.

What was the most popular item among 'byamondz' users?

This ear cuff is a bestseller, and the product with this flower piece on its radius was also popular.
It looks colorful, but it feels simple when worn, so it's not burdensome to wear it daily, and it's also a good item to give points as a single point. It can be layered with a calm and simple ring, or fun with the same thickness or different thickness. In particular, the charm of this design is that when light touches, the light stays between the gemstone and the sculpture and glitters. If you look closely, it is much more attractive and detailed.

If you were to talk about the new collection you released in May?

Previously, if I had talked about various ways to layer with basic lines, I wanted to talk about what this collection would be called "bush-like."

What story is hidden?

For example, this story says, "There is someone with Bush. It starts with the imagination of "What about life in Bush?" What kind of woman Bush becomes a daily life and is always with Bush, and what kind of forest she will live in. What would her morning routine be like living in a foggy forest? What about the moment she opens her eyes? Around May, when the fresh and greenness came up with a pleasant fog, the design was developed by thinking about what jewelry would be suitable for the season.
The start of the collection design began with my personal favorite "circle," and the result of the sculptural arrangement of various thin, small, and bold forms is this collection.


If you could introduce Bush New Collection and #OOTD released in May to Bush fans?

This collection is fun to layer various prototypes. An ear cuff called "bold bagle" is an ear cuff that utilizes carving techniques.
It is a design that can be tried a little more in everyday life, and it is good for creating a subtle atmosphere because it has opal stones embedded therein.


The most beloved ear cuff is "Blueberry." The ball may be worn forward or the ball may be worn backward. Since the shape shown varies depending on the direction of the ball, it can be worn according to your taste, and each feeling is different. It would be nice if you had a mind to enjoy the sculpture.


Before you became a jewelry designer,

He majored in metal engineering and dealt with silver, copper, and iron a lot. In my early 20s, I did a lot of objet work, and I liked the work of constructing a space centered on the objet. At first, I thought I was interested in space, objects, and space, but I think I liked Albogoni's sculpture itself. So I wondered, "Why don't you make and introduce Jewelry?" and I think the result of choosing Jewelry as one of the languages I want to speak is the beginning of the brand Love of the Bush.


My favorite designer or brand?

Among the artists in Paris, a designer named Garance Vallee was impressive. He is an artist who works a lot on objects such as mirrors and furniture that make up space, and he paints them and unravels them with jewelry. Watching his work, I was surprised, saying, "How could you make your favorite furniture out of jewelry?" There was an insight in that one's aesthetic sense could not only be limited to a medium called furniture, but also extend to various areas.


Bush to those who love.

Rather than having a clear person, I think there are people who enjoy the color of the brand and are curious about one brand. Rather than just wearing a ring because it feels empty, "I wore it like this today, so I want to layer it like this, and I want to create it in a different way," and for those who want to style jewelry and add their charm, I hope they enjoy the bush. 🙂


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